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Cancer services - Oncology and our specialist Macmillan unit

What is oncology?

The term oncology literally means a branch of science that deals with tumours and cancers. The word 'onco' means bulk, mass, or tumor while 'logy' means study.

Who are Macmillan?

Macmillan Cancer Support provide practical, medical and financial support and strive for better cancer care. For more information visit the Macmillan website.

Cancer Support Groups

Introducing our cancer support and wellbeing groups.

We are providing a safe, supportive, and confidential space where you can ask any questions and talk about how you are feeling, with a professional specialist and other people who have been affected by cancer.

Join us in the Cancer Wellbeing and Support Centre on these dates and times for the group that best suits you:

  • Lung cancer support group - last Monday of the month - 2pm to 3pm
  • Eastern European cancer support group - last Thursday of every month - 6pm to 7.30pm
  • Grab a Cuppa cancer support group - first Thursday of every month - 10am to 11.30am
  • Head and Neck cancer support group - second Thursday of every month - 2pm to 3.30pm
  • Upper GI Nutrition Support Group - last Friday of every month - 10am to 12noon. Patients on a surgical pathway who are awaiting or have had surgery for oesophageal or stomach cancer.

Support, refreshments and a friendly face will be available, feel free to pop along.

Available services

We offer a large range of services, support and information, these include:

We have expanded our services

Work has completed on expanding our cancer care services in, what was an £840,000 project. This project has resulted in expanded chemotherapy services and a refreshed palliative day care room. Charity and hospital officials agree that these upgrades were vital in enabling us to continue to meet patient needs and improve their comfort and environment whilst receiving care.

Contact the team

You can talk to:

  • Cancer Care Patient Navigators: 01553 214792
  • The Macmillan reception: 01553 613413
  • The Macmillan information and support office: 01553 613985
  • Our Lead Cancer Nurse: 01553 613613 extension 2977
  • The Acute Oncology Nurse Specialist team: 01553 613613 extension 4558
  • Day Treatment Care: 01553 613516
  • CNS Support Line: 01553 214610