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Stroke Unit

Our vision is to ensure that all patients who experience a stroke have access to high quality acute care 24/7 and high quality life after stroke rehabilitation, both inpatients and those in the community. This is achieved as part of a pathway focused on providing patient and carer centered care, empowerment and facilitation of self-management leading to meaningful participation in daily life.

The aims of the Stroke Unit

We aim to deliver high quality care, providing our patients with the best possible outcomes. We will maximise our patients function, minimise morbidity and prevent mortality, through expert medical diagnosis and assessment. The service will aim to:

  • Improve outcomes
  • Improve the quality of stroke and Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) services and patient experiences
  • Reduce the number of admissions to hospital
  • Improve referral and signposting to appropriate services for patients, including voluntary agencies and community groups
  • Provide improved quality of life for patients and for their carers, either in hospital or in the community
  • Provide a service that is accessible for individuals and their families
  • Offer the best service available within the resource available
  • Meet national standards and constantly audit the service to document that the best possible outcomes and patient experience are delivered
  • Ensure a patient-centered approach to the delivery of services

Service description

We provide expert specialist critical assessment, rapid imaging and the ability to deliver intravenous thrombolysis 24/7. The service is provided within a dedicated area on the stroke unit (West Raynham Ward).

Our patients benefit from:

  • Being seen and assessed by a member of the specialist stroke team within 30 minutes of arrival
  • Early multidisciplinary assessment
  • Being assessed and managed by stroke nursing staff and at least one member of the specialist rehabilitation team within 24 hours of admission to hospital
  • Daily Consultant lead ward rounds 7 days per week

Acute stroke care immediately follows, usually after the first 72 hours after admission. We provide acute stroke services which includes; continued specialist day and night care, with daily multidisciplinary care, continued access to stroke trained consultant care, access to physiological monitoring and access to urgent imaging as required.

In addition, our patients also receive access to a designated stroke rehabilitation service and social worker assessment if required.

All stroke survivors receive reviews and onward referral to appropriate services which allows a clear pathway back to further specialist review, risk factor screening, advice, information, support and rehabilitation where required.

Carers of stroke survivors are provided with information on how to access stroke information about diagnosis, personal care planning and sufficient practical training to enable them to provide care. They are also provided with clear guidance on how to find help if problems occur.

Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme (SSNAP) - Clinical audit report.

Sub-specialist services

The Stroke Unit provides or works alongside many different services, particularly:

Our specialist team

Our team of nurses and specialists is lead by consultants:

  • Dr Raj Shekhar
  • DDr Umesh Rai

Contact details for the Stroke Unit

Our consultants secretaries can be contacted on 01553 613895 or 01553 613526.