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Charges for Health Insurance Forms

There is a minimum £10 charge for the completion of health insurance forms.

Some insurance forms, such as those requiring input from your clinician may incur a further charge.

These invoices are raised by the clinician undertaking the work. The form should be sent in the first instance direct to: Business Support (Admin).

There are several ways in which payment to the hospital may be made:

  • They may be delivered by hand to a receptionist
  • They may be posted to: Business Support (Admin). The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gayton Road, King's Lynn PE30 4ET.

The patient/contributor section must be completed on all forms before the hospital section may be completed. The patient's signature should be appended to the form also.

If the form is required to be either returned to the patient/contributor or sent on to the insurance company, a stamped addressed envelope must be submitted with the form.


Payment can be made in the following ways:

  • By Chip and Pin. Either hand the form with the SAE to a receptionist for despatch in the internal mailing system to the Business Support Admin or send the form with the SAE direct to the address above. Allow 24 hours and you may contact the Cashiers Office on 01553 613281 between the hours of 10am - 12 noon Monday to Friday with a view to making payment with either a debit or credit card.
  • Enclose a cheque or postal order made payable to: QEHKL FT.
  • Cash payments may be made at the Finance Reception, Cashiers (ask a receptionist for directions).

Please note that any member of staff handed a completed claim form with SAE (stamped addressed envelope) will either ensure that the form is delivered directly to the Business Support (Admin) Office, or will ensure that it is placed in the internal mailing system. (CASH payments should be made directly to Cashiers Office, no CASH should be posted in the internal mail)

Important: No form will be processed until payment is made.

Any queries on the status of the insurance form and date of despatch to either the patient/contributor or insurance company may also be made on telephone number: 01553 613486.