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Diabetes - Footcare information

We have gathered some resources for you, to help you keep your feet healthy. They include advice on general foot care, common foot conditions, and the all-important daily check.

Daily check

The most important thing you can do to take care of your feet is to check them EVERY DAY. If you’ve lost any feeling in your feet, you need to be especially careful to do this as you won't know if you've hurt yourself. Whether you’re about to put your socks on, or you’re taking them off before bed, have a good look at your feet – or ask someone else to do this for you.

What you’re looking for:

  • Cuts, cracks, blisters or breaks in the skin
  • Areas of heat, redness or swelling
  • Weeping or bleeding
  • ANYTHING that looks odd or abnormal for you.

If you struggle to lift your feet up, then you might want to use a mirror to see the soles of your feet. If this is too hard, or if your eyesight is not as good as it was, try to get someone else to check your feet for you. And if you need help but live alone, it’s good to speak to a healthcare professional about how to check your feet.

If you see anything you’re not sure about, contact a health professional straight away. You are not wasting our time – we would far rather make sure everything is OK than see you weeks later with a serious foot problem.

See this video to learn how to check your feet:

Good footcare information is also available here.

If you are seeking private Podiatry care, we encourage you to make sure your Podiatrist is HCPC registered - check the register here.

Additional information: