Welcome and introduction
Welcome to the council of governors and Foundation Trust membership.
The council of governors
Each NHS Foundation Trust must have a council of governors. Governors provide a vital link between the Trust and the population we serve. They form part of the council of governors which has a role in overseeing how services are run and influencing their development.
The NHS's move to a new way of working does not change the role governors have within their Trusts but it will affect what councils of governors need to consider when performing their statutory duties. Councils of governors will need to be assured their Foundation Trust Board has considered the consequences of decisions on other partners within their system, and the impact on the public at large.
Learn more about the role of a governor
Membership of the Foundation Trust
Members receive emails (approximately two per month) about important Trust matters and developments. Members are invited to attend members' meetings and focus groups, vote in governor elections and stand for election to sit on the council of governors. Your level of engagement is entirely your own choice.
You and your family can play an important part in deciding how NHS hospital services are developed in this area by becoming a member of the Foundation Trust.
- The easiest way is to apply online.
- You can download an application form to print out and post to us.
- E-mail: FT.membership@qehkl.nhs.uk and we will post an application form out to you.
- Telephone: 01553 613142
- Write to:
Foundation Trust Office
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Gayton Road
King's Lynn
PE30 4ET