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Visiting times

We understand how important it is for our patients to be supported by loved ones while they are in our care. We are committed to enabling visiting wherever possible in our hospital.

Non-urgent advice: Visiting - key information

  • Visiting is open daily from 10am to 8pm for all adult wards (with the exception of protected meal times)
  • Additional visiting is in place for carers and for patients who are receiving end-of-life care
  • A maximum of two visitors per patient at any one time
  • Please do not visit if you are feeling unwell or have any virus symptoms (increased temperature, diarrhoea, vomiting)
  • Please be aware that during ward rounds, drug rounds or essential procedures, visitors may be asked to leave the bay or bedside temporarily to prioritise the safety, privacy and dignity of all patients on the ward

If you are feeling unwell

Plese do not visit a patient if you have any symptoms of a virus, or if you are feeling unwell.

Adult inpatient wards

We will allow two visitors at a time for patients in our adult inpatient and critical care wards, between the hours of 10am and 8pm.

Visits do not have to be booked in advance.

The two visitors can be different people over the duration of the patient's stay.

Visiting is allowed from the time of admission.

Please wash your hands on entering our hospital, and when entering and leaving the clinical / ward areas.

Please be aware that during ward rounds, drug rounds or essential procedures, visitors may be asked to leave the bay or bedside temporarily to prioritise the safety, privacy and dignity of all patients on the ward.

Wearing masks

You may be asked to wear increased personal protective equipment to help reduce the risk of the spread of infection in some wards or areas.

If you are unsure, please speak to a member of the team.

Compassionate visiting

We support and welcome compassionate visiting. This may involve more than two visitors being allowed to attend a relative, and could be for extended hours. We seek to enable all visitors to be with loved ones in exceptional circumstances, wherever possible, so do please seek out a member of staff on the appropriate ward for a conversation to discuss your needs.

Maternity services

For maternity services visiting information, please visit the Maternity services page

Children's services

We operate a relaxed policy when it comes to visiting children's inpatient areas. Parents / carers may visit their child whenever they wish. Other visitors from 1.30pm to 8pm.

We ask that all visitors leave by 8pm so we can try and make the ward a quieter place in the evenings allowing younger children to get to sleep.


Patients attending our outpatients department and assessment areas can be accompanied by one adult if needed.

Please be aware that some departments and assessment areas have a maximum capacity for health and safety reasons - if this capacity is reached we may ask those accompanying patients to wait outside the department.

Emergency Department (A&E)

Patients attending our Emergency Department and assessment areas can be accompanied by one adult.

Please be aware that our waiting area has a maximum capacity for safety reasons. Those people accompanying patients may be asked to wait outside of the department if this capacity is reached.

Protected mealtimes

This is a period of time set aside for breakfast, lunch and dinner when all non-essential activities on the wards will stop. If you are visiting a ward please respect the wards protected mealtime.

If you normally visit at mealtimes to help your relative or friend eat, we are happy for you to continue to do this. Please ask the nurse in charge how you can help.

If possible, please try to avoid contacting the ward, or your relative, for information during these times so the staff can concentrate on helping the patients with their meal.