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Who can become a member?

Membership of the Foundation Trust is absolutely free and is open to patients, the public and NHS staff. Becoming a Foundation Trust member shows that you are interested in the hospital and its future. As at April 2019 we had 7,662 public members and our Membership and Communication Committee continues to work to maintain and increase this figure to demonstrate that:

  • our membership represents the local population, and
  • we have enough members from which to elect a Governors’ Council

Membership is open to most members of the public over the age of 16 living or working within our catchment area, which is principally:

  • West Norfolk
  • Part of Breckland and North Norfolk (and 'rest of England)
  • Part of northern Cambridgeshire
  • Part of south-east Lincolnshire

Membership is also open to people who live outside the area but are, or have been, patients or carers at The QEH. These members are included in ‘rest of England’ above.

Members of staff

Because we appreciate and value our staff, they are automatically members of the Foundation Trust and do not need to apply. If you are a member of staff and you do not wish to be a member of the Foundation Trust you can choose to opt out. A staff member who has opted-out cannot apply to become a public member. (Please contact the FT Office on 01553 613142 for further information about staff membership).