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Maternity services

The Maternity department is a shared Midwife and Consultant Service. Our Maternity Services covers King's Lynn and surrounding areas. We have a co-located midwife led birthing unit which is staffed by the community midwifery teams. Lifestyle and existing health conditions pre-pregnancy and during pregnancy could mean you are placed on a high risk pathway. Dependant on your personal care plan, you may be required to attend additional appointments throughout your pregnancy to allow us to monitor you and your baby.

Your pregnancy journey is an exciting experience and we would like to ensure your care and support is right for you.

During your pregnancy we will provide Antenatal care at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, and at your local community midwifery team hub. During your antenatal visits you will be offered blood tests, measurements and scans to make sure that you and your baby are well.

You can make an appointment by contacting our Booking Coordinator on 01945 469259 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email Once you are booked please read the Screening Tests for you and your baby leaflet, this contains important information about the screening choices you will have during and after your pregnancy.

Your Norfolk and Waveney Local Maternity and Neonatal System is committed to ensuring you have access to high quality maternity care, wherever you choose to have your baby. Please download this leaflet to find out more about the options available to you.

Useful Contacts:

  • Antenatal Clinic 01553 613866
  • Antenatal Screening Team 01553 613840
  • Brancaster Ward 01553 613710
  • Triage 01553 214829
  • Centeral Delivery Suite 01553 613720
  • Day Assessment Unit 01553 613904
  • Maternity Notes support 01553 214777
  • Booking Coordinator 01945 469259
  • Waterlily - Midwife Led Birthing Unit 01553 214635
  • Juniper Community Midwives (Covering Downham Market, Swaffham and Fakenham) 07880 420435
  • Rowan Lodge Community Midwives (Covering Wisbech, Long Sutton, Sutton Bridge, Terrington St John and surrounding areas) 01945 469257 or 01945 469260
  • Maple Community Midwives (Covering Kings Lynn and Coastal areas) 07788 309201

Visiting restrictions

Brancaster Ward visiting times are from 8.30am to 8.30pm.

Only two visitors are allowed by the bed space at any one time, this includes the birthing partner. Other children of the parents / siblings of the newborn are allowed.

We kindly ask that you do not bring balloons or flowers onto the ward.

We also ask that you follow the hospital's guidance on wearing Facemasks and washing your hands, which you can find here.

QEH (King’s Lynn) Maternity & Neonatal Voices Partnership (MNVP)

QEH (King’s Lynn) Maternity & Neonatal Voices Partnership (MNVP)

QEH (King’s Lynn) Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership (MNVP) is a team of service users, midwives, doctors, health visitors and commissioners. We work together to review and contribute to the development of local maternity and neonatal care.

We want to hear your experiences of maternity and neonatal care during pregnancy, birth and after:

  • What went well for you?
  • What didn’t go so well?
  • How could we make it better?

You can get in touch with us by email, Facebook or attend our listening events and quarterly meetings.

Emily Lunny – Maternity & Neonatal Voices Partnership Lead

"I'm the MNVP Lead at QEH and a local service user with three of my own children. I’m also an IBCLC, breastfeeding counsellor, national breastfeeding organisation director and part of the Maternity Autism Research Group. I am passionate about informed choice, infant feeding, home birth and maternity care for neurodivergent women."

You can contact me by email at

Useful Links:

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