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Postnatal Community Care

What happens when you leave hospital?

When it is time for you and your baby to go home, your care is transferred to our Community Midwives. Routine postnatal care will mainly be timed appointments at the community hubs. These will be offered by a midwife and / or midwifery support worker. If you had a normal delivery and there are no concerns your last postnatal contact may be a telephone call or you will be invited to a time appointment at one of the hubs. Where extra support is required, this will be arranged on an individual basis.

Your baby will be weighed between day 5 and 8 of age, and a Newborn Blood Spot is recommended at this time.

Our community midwives will usually provide postnatal care for at least 10 days after you have given birth. Health visitors will normally take over postnatal care usually after the 14 day period. We can provide care up to 28 days after delivery.

If you live outside King's Lynn or surrounding areas looked after by our community teams, a community midwife from your local hospital will contact you and provide your postnatal care.

Please note: It is important that you tell us the address you will be staying at when you go home, so it can be arranged for a midwife to come and see you.

To contact a midwife for weekend postnatal care or home visits the base is at St Augustine’s Community Hub in Kings Lynn. Telephone - 07788 309201

Useful Contacts:

  • Antenatal Clinic 01553 613866
  • Antenatal Screening Team 01553 613840
  • Brancaster Ward 01553 613710
  • Triage 01553 214829
  • Centeral Delivery Suite 01553 613720
  • Day Assessment Unit 01553 613904
  • Maternity Notes support 01553 214777
  • Booking Coordinator 01945 469259
  • Waterlily - Midwife Led Birthing Unit 01553 214635
  • Juniper Community Midwives (Covering Downham Market, Swaffham and Fakenham) 07880 420435
  • Rowan Lodge Community Midwives (Covering Wisbech, Long Sutton, Sutton Bridge, Terrington St John and surrounding areas) 01945 469257 or 01945 469260
  • Maple Community Midwives (Covering Kings Lynn and Coastal areas) 07788 309201

Useful Links:

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