Gynaecology services
What is gynaecology?
Gynaecology is the medical practice dealing with the health of the female reproductive system (uterus, vagina, and ovaries).
Our gynaecology service
The aim of our Women’s Health Services is to provide a patient focused approach to each gynaecological condition using a range of specialist Gynaecologist Consultant Teams and Specialist Nurses which allows us to provide a full care package that is evidence based.
Our objective is for a patient’s gynaecological disorder to be clearly assessed, investigated and treated for a range of gynaecological conditions using the latest evidenced based practice.
The desired outcome for our service is to assess the patient, treat as required and discharge their care back to the primary care team for further care.
We aim to ensure that direct links are in place for the patient, with appropriate specialist nursing and medical staff to address fears and concerns and to ensure understanding and compliance with treatments and procedures that are recommended.
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Specialty services
The following specilist services form our gynaecology service:
- Urogynaecology: The Urogynaecology Multidisciplinary Team ensures strong links between primary and secondary care; staff include a Consultant Urogynaecologist, Urologist, Specialist Nurses in Urogynaecology, Urology, Hospital continence, Community Continence Advisors and Women’s Health Physiotherapists. Close communication ensures a smooth care pathway for patients. The Urogynecology clinic, held monthly, supports the Multidisciplinary approach and ensures an integrated service for our patients.
- Urodynamics: Outpatient urodynamics is a diagnostic test that proceeds a thorough gynaecological assessment of a patients urological symptoms. Urodynamics is the investigation of the functions of the lower urinary tract. The procedure involves the insertion of a catheter into the bladder and an additional catheter in to the rectum. As saline from the catheter gradually fills up the bladder, the pressure of the bladder is calculated, ultimately enabling a medical diagnosis to be reached. Following these investigations medical and surgical management will commence. An investigation report which is examined for signs of bladder dysfunction. Results are then issued to the referrer. A follow up appointment will be arranged, as required, for the patient to see a Urologist or Gynaecologist.
- Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS): Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS) is treatment for an overactive bladder. The treatment is offered as part of our care pathway for the management of incontinence, with patients having had an urodynamic study or uro-gynae assessment first. Our Specialist Urogynaecology nurse will lead the nursing team in delivering, what consists of 12, PTNS treatments.
- Post menopausal bleeding: Post-menopausal bleeding (PMB) is vaginal bleeding that occurs at least 12 months after the end of a patient's menstrual cycle due to the menopause. The purpose of this clinic is to identify the cause of the PMB and to exclude cancer and plan any necessary treatment. The Gynaecology Consultant at the PMB clinic will take the patient’s medical history and record symptoms. A vaginal ultrasound is performed by inserting a scan probe into the vagina. The results of the ultrasound examination is then discussed with the patient and consent obtained for a biopsy to be taken for confirmation of any abnormality. Following receipt of the result further investigations or treatment may be necessary i.e. a hysteroscopy. The specialist will also carry out a physical external and internal examination to assess the vulva, vagina and cervix carefully.
- Colposcopy: Colposcopy is a procedure carried out following the identification of some abnormal cervical screening tests by the GP. It involves an examination of the cervix using a special microscope called a colposcope. Colposcopy can define the type and extent of the abnormal area on the cervix. The results show if you need treatment and, if so, what sort. This treatment may take place during the same appointment.
- Ambulatory Hysteroscopy: Outpatient hysteroscopy is a diagnostic test that proceeds a thorough gynaecological assessment. This is prior to the hysteroscopy appointment. The procedure involves the use of miniaturised endoscopic equipment to directly see and examine the uterine cavity, without the need for formal theatre facilities or general or regional anaesthesia. Outpatient hysteroscopy is indicated primarily in the assessment of women with abnormal uterine bleeding, but is also employed in the diagnostic work-up of reproductive problems. More recently, advances in endoscopic technology and ancillary instrumentation have allowed for the development of operative hysteroscopic procedures in an outpatient setting with or without the use of local anaesthesia. Outpatient hysteroscopy, whether diagnostic or operative, is successful and safe.
- Nurse led vaginal prolapse/Pessary Clinic: This service provides support both with change of pessary, fitting and supervision of patients who require vaginal pessary for conservative management of their organ prolapse. Patients have direct access to this service via appointments and telephone advice. GP’s and Practice Nurses can have specialist advice and support for their patients.
Our specialist team
Our team of nurses and specialists is lead by consultants:
- Mr Siya Sharma
- Miss Deborah Taylor
- Miss Parvathi Sindagi
- Mr Ahmed Emara
- Miss Krishnamurty Geeta Bangalore
- Miss Al-Juboori
Useful web links
The following websites may contain information that is of use to you: