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They suffer in your silence

If you suspect a vulnerable adult or child is being abused and you remain silent, you are contributing to their suffering. The information on this page explains what you should do if you have concerns and describes our commitment to ensuring the wellbeing of all people using our services.

Our commitment

We have a statutory duty to ensure the wellbeing of all people using our services. We take the abuse or neglect of adults and children very seriously.

Our independent regulator, requires us to demonstrate that:

  • We meet statutory requirements regarding Criminal Records Bureau checks
  • Child protection policies and systems are updated and robust, including a process for following up children who miss outpatient appointments and a system for flagging children for whom there are safeguarding concerns
  • All eligible staff have undertaken and are updated with safeguarding training as appropriate to their role
  • Named professionals (see below) are employed by us and that they are clear about their roles and have sufficient time and support to undertake them
  • There is a board-level Executive Director lead for safeguarding. The board reviews safeguarding across the organisation at least once a year and has robust audit programmes to assure it that safeguarding systems and processes are working. This includes clear procedures for the Accident and Emergency department

In addition, there is an independent domestic violence advocacy service for women and children affected by domestic violence available at the QEH. Women can be referred to the service by our staff, not only in maternity and Accident and Emergency, but throughout the hospital.

We work in partnership with three local authorities to safeguard adults and children at risk: Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire county councils. Our representatives attend regular meetings at the children and adult safeguarding boards in Norfolk. We also work closely to maintain good working relationships and effective information sharing with Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire.

Our named Safeguarding professionals

The named professionals lead on issues in relation to Safeguarding within the trust. Their role includes giving relevant support, advice, supervision and training to staff and working closely with other health and social care organisations.

  • Named Doctor for safeguarding children: Dr Abby Reeve
  • Named Nurse for safeguarding children: Kay Crome
  • Named Midwife for safeguarding: Debby Ramsdale
  • Specialist Midwife for Peri-natal Mental Health: Kim McAllister
  • Named Nurse for safeguarding vulnerable adults: Jerry Green
  • Deputy Named Nurse for Safeguarding Children: Tracey Denny

How to report any concerns that you may have

You should contact our safeguarding team between 9am and 5pm on 01553 613564 if you are concerned about an adult or child who is currently in hospital.

Where concerns relate to an adult or child that is not in hospital, or if you need to contact somebody outside of the times above, you should refer to the relevant local authority websites below where you will find more information.

All contacts are managed via our referral centre or via the 'Making a referral' link or telephone the Emergency Duty Team on 01733 234724.

If you are concerned that an adult or child may be affected by Domestic Violence you can contact the Independent Domestic Violence Advocate on 0845 2412171 or visit the LEEWAY Website.

Useful documents

The following documents may also be of use to you:

Safer Places Scheme

You may also be interested in the Safer Places Scheme.