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Learning disability and autism

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital is committed to:

  • Ensuring that we provide accessible information, and developing documents where there are none already nationally available.
  • Providing mandatory and bespoke training sessions to staff about supporting and managing people with a learning disability and/or autism.
  • Updating our alert flagging on our systems each time we are made aware of a new patient to the hospital with a learning difficulty and/or autism. This system of flagging ensures that we are aware someone with a learning disability and/or autism has arrived at the hospital even if they are not referred by a member of staff to be seen.
  • Marking patient notes with a sticker so hospital staff understand reasonable adjustments may need to be made.
  • Making best use of Hospital Passports to ensure patient care meets the needs of individuals.

Our Learning Disability Liaison Nurse

If you have a learning disability or autism and would like some help while you are in the hospital or you are a family member or carer for someone who has you can contact our Learning Disability Liaison Nurse between 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday by asking someone on your ward or clinic to call her or by emailing

There is also additional support available from the Patient Experience and Patient Advice and Liaison (PALS) teams.

Learning Disability & Autism Steering Group

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital has a Learning Disability & Autism Steering group made up of members of staff and representatives from local services involved in care and championing for people who have learning difficulties, learning disabilities and/or autism. The group meets quarterly to review progress on ongoing projects to improve patient experience when they come to the hospital, suggest strategies to change things for the better and studies data on what happens in the hospital to learn best practice and deliver this learning to staff across the Trust.

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