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Council of Governors

As a public benefit corporation, we are owned by our 6,500-strong membership of patients, public and staff, who are represented by the council of governors. Our public governors are elected by the membership.

Our governors:

  • provide a direct link to our local community
  • represent the interests of members and the wider public in the stewardship and development of the Trust
  • advise the board of directors, who have the operational responsibility for running the hospital.

In this way the population served by our hospital is directly involved in the governance of the Trust.

Role of governors

Governors are very important to ensure a link between the members of the NHS Foundation Trust, the wider community and those who run the hospital.

Non-urgent advice: Roles

Governors have a duty to represent the interests of the members of the Trust and the interests of the public as a whole.

Governors are responsible for holding the non-executive directors individually and collectively to account for the performance of the board of directors.

Chair (Interim)

Dr Andy Wood OBE

Public governors

West Norfolk

Esmé Corner OBE

Prudence Fox

Gilli Galloway

John Greyson

Mike Press

Sara Shaw

Barbara Turner

Kenneth Wicks

Cambridgeshire / Fenland

Betty Lewis

South East Lincolnshire

Chris Brewis

Alan Maltby - Deputy Lead Governor

Breckland, North Norfolk, and the rest of England

David Chittenden

Dr Antonia Hardcastle - Lead Governor

Staff governors

Sheena Johnson-Banks

Leanne Kendrick

Stewart Nimmo

Appointed governors

Jane Evans
West Norfolk Carers

Dr Sue Madden
University of East Anglia

Cllr Lesley Bambridge
Norfolk County Council

Matthew Brown
Freebridge Community Housing

Cllr Peter Wilkinson
Breckland Council

Rachel Boast
College of West Anglia

Cllr Alexandra Kemp
Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk