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Dignity in Care

We have committed to the 10 point dignity challenge, this means that we will strive to make sure we:

A word cloud image composed using the responses to the question 'what does dignity mean to you?' Most frequently used words include respect, views, wishes, dignity, individual, thoughts

  • Have a zero tolerance of all forms of abuse
  • Respect people's right to privacy
  • Support people with the same respect you would want for yourself
  • Treat each person as an individual
  • Enable people to maintain the maximum possible level of independance, choice and control
  • Listen and support people to express their needs and wants
  • Ensure people feel able to complain without the fear of retribution
  • Engage family members and carers as care partners
  • Assist people to maintain confidence and a positive self-esteem
  • Act to alleviate people's loneliness and isolation

Dignity Action Day

As part of our commitment to raising the profile of dignity we held a Dignity Action Day at the Trust. Staff, visitors, carers and patients were invited to share what dignity means to them, they did this through conversation and by hanging written 'what dignity means to me' labels on our dignity tree. Those responses have been collated into the image at the top of this page, the key themes of which are the most prominent words shown.

Displays were also positioned in public areas that illustrated some of the actions that we have taken in respect of dignity, these include:

  • Not moving patients from one ward to another after 11pm, except when into an assessment area
  • Introducing new patient theatre gowns that tie at the side for increased privacy
  • New curtains in place that say do not disturb and a dignity code has been developed to ensure that everyone knows to ask for a patient's permission before going behind curtains.

Sign up to being a Dignity Champion

Everyone involved in our Dignity Day were encouraged to sign up to the national Dignity Champions programme. Dignity Champions keep a watchful eye on issues concerning the dignity of patients, visitors or colleagues and are empowered to challenge any behaviour compromising an individuals dignity.

Is this something you could do too? If so visit the Dignity in Care website and sign up as a Dignity Champion today.