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Our Strategy

Cover image of "Our Strategy 2024-30" documentOur new strategy marks a bold step towards enhancing the lives of patients, staff, and the local community. Setting a refreshed vision and mission, reflecting the progress made and the ambitions for the future of healthcare in the region.

The new strategy is a 'live' document, designed to evolve with changing needs and priorities. It has been shaped by comprehensive feedback from patients, staff and stakeholders, and collaboration with local healthcare providers. Importantly, it aligns with the New Hospital Programme and the Norfolk and Waveney Join Forward Plan.

Our Strategy 2024-30 (PDF - 6.2MB)

Our Strategy 2024-30 On a Page (PDF - 311KB)

Other strategic documents

Our Clinical Strategy 2022-27 (PDF - 2.6MB)

Our Digital and Data Strategy 2022-25 (PDF - 19.7MB)

Our Green Plan (PDF - 11.6MB)