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Information leaflets and patient forums

Arthur has an X-ray

Sally,  has designed a book to which gives a step-by-step description of what will happen when children go for tests like an Ultrasound, CT or MRI scan as well as an X-ray.

You can view a  PDF version of the book here.

Information leaflets

You can download a vast range of leaflets that describe conditions and treatments from this site and we fully endorse the contents of the leaflets that are available. The leaflets are created with specialist practising surgeons and physicians, based on research and developed with patients and carers.

If you are concerned about treatment that you or a relative/friend are due to receive or don't feel that you fully understand your condition and the related treatment then downloading an information leaflet may be a good place to start, you can print a leaflet or read it online in your own time and with the support of others, this may then lead to you needing to ask your Doctor further questions or you may feel more comfortable with the knowledge you have gained.

You can download leaflets from the treatments area of the website.

In addition to the leaflets mentioned above, we are also able to link to a seperate set of downloadable information for women with diabetes, with an emphasis on diabetes in pregnancy. You can download the Eastern Academic Health Science Network's advice here.


You may also be able to get further advice and support from relevant charities, patient charities are also listed on the website.

Easy Read information logoYou can also find a range of health related information, including downloadable leaflets, on the Mencap sponsored website,

In-house leaflets

We also produce some information leaflets in-house, these leaflets are listed and downloadable below: