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Brancaster - Antenatal and Postnatal Ward

Brancaster Ward is a 18 bedded ward, consisting of 3 x 5 bedded bays and 3 siderooms. We are located on the first floor, just down the corridor to Central Delivery Suite at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Kings Lynn.

People who are pregnant or who have had their baby and need to stay in hospital for further support or monitoring are able to stay in our antenatal and postnatal areas within the ward. We also have a 4 bedded transitional care bay for newborn babies who require closer observation or treatment after they are born.

We pride ourselves in providing women and their families with a clean, safe and friendly environment, in which you can start your journey to parenthood, with the support and guidance from our experienced midwifery team.

You will be given a named midwife at the start of every shift. All staff will introduce themselves when taking over or providing you with any cares and will be wearing an ID badge. We have a strong focus on multidisciplinary team working within the unit, to promote safe and effective care, tailored to your needs.

During your stay our team of midwives and doctors will assess you and your baby’s needs daily. From this assessment, the midwives and doctors will be able to tailor an individualised care plan, that will meet your physical and psychological needs, to prepare you for discharge home and transition to parenthood.

A call bell is available at your bedside which you can use to call for assistance at any time of day or night.

During your stay your baby will have a newborn examination completed by a qualified practitioner and you will be offered a hearing screening test for your baby.

You will be also offered the opportunity to be shown how to provide cares and bath your baby before you leave the hospital.

We have a specialist Infant feeding team who will assist the midwifery team with any further support and advice required with regards to feeding your baby. The maternity department are also Baby Friendly accredited by UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative for excellence in the support of breastfeeding/chest feeding and parent-infant relationships.

Safety is of paramount importance to all of us and therefore a security system is in place to safeguard parents and babies on the ward. An intercom system is located at the entrance to the ward and you will be asked to state your name or who you are visiting before you enter. To leave the ward please ask at the reception desk for the doors to be released. Please ensure you do not allow anyone to enter the ward whilst coming through the door.


  • Breakfast 8.30am
  • Lunch 12.30pm
  • Dinner 6.20pm

Meals are provided at your bedside. Hot drinks are provided at intervals throughout the day and fresh water jugs are available at all times.

Visiting times:

Partners or a chosen companion your children 8.30am-8.30pm. All other visiting is currently suspended.

Visitors are asked to leave the wards during mealtimes to allow everyone to eat their meals in peace.

Flowers, balloons and fresh fruit are not permitted within the hospital to help reduce infection. All visitors to the ward should use the hand sanitising gel on entering and leaving the ward to prevent the spread of infection.

The Hospedia service at each bedside provides you with a radio which you can use for free, and a television and telephone which you can pay to use should you wish. Headphones are available at every Hospedia information box or please ask a member of staff.

By UK Law your baby must travel in an approved car seat. Please ensure you read your manufacturer’s guidance for your car seat prior to having you baby so you are aware how to safely use the seat. Our staff are unable to give any advice on car seat usage.

We hope your stay is as pleasant as possible. If you, or any of your visitors, have any questions, complaints or compliments, please speak to any member of the Brancaster team who will be more than happy to help. We also welcome your feedback through our Friends and Family surveys which can be completed online or on one of the hospital Ipads which staff can provide for you. You can also contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service, located in the front entrance of the hospital.

Brancaster Ward Telephone number: 01553 613710

Brancaster Ward Team:

  • Kelly Wilson - Ward Manager
  • Debby Ramsdale - Midwifery Matron
  • Terri Denington - Infant feeding Coordinator
  • Midwives
  • Maternity support workers
  • Infant feeding support workers
  • Ward Clerks
  • Housekeeper and Domestic assistants
  • Neonatal transitional care team
  • Obstetric Doctors
  • Paediatric Doctors
  • Physiotherapists
  • Hearing Screeners
  • Pharmacists

Useful Contacts:

  • Antenatal Clinic 01553 613866
  • Antenatal Screening Team 01553 613840
  • Brancaster Ward 01553 613710
  • Triage 01553 214829
  • Centeral Delivery Suite 01553 613720
  • Day Assessment Unit 01553 613904
  • Maternity Notes support 01553 214777
  • Booking Coordinator 01945 469259
  • Waterlily - Midwife Led Birthing Unit 01553 214635

Useful links:


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