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Mental health liaison service

Our Mental Health Liaison Service is a multi-disciplinary and integrated mental health team.

We are a team of experienced specialist mental health professionals from QEH and the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust who provide prompt, high quality psychiatric assessments both in an emergency setting such as the A&E department and in-patient wards within QEH. Dependent on the outcome of the assessment you may be directed to appropriate services best suited to meet your needs. We also offer advice and information to people with mental health problems, receiving medical treatment in A&E or other wards. In addition, the service provides support and education to the staff of QEH.

We are the link between the acute and general hospital services and other mental health services.

The aim of the service is to liaise between patients and hospital staff wherever mental health expertise would be of benefit and the Mental Health Liaison Team make a clinical judgement about decisions to assess, treat and/or refer on to other services.

Conditions We Treat

You must be in the A&E department or admitted to an adult ward at QEH, be 16 years or older (we will triage and make safe under 16s in the absence of availability of the local Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)/Child Family and Young People's Service (CFYP) and you must have a (possible) mental health component to your presentation.

Typical presentations include (but are not limited to):

  • Primary mental health problems presenting acutely (suicidality, self-harm, and psychosis)
  • Co-morbid mental health problems that may impact on physical health (for instance, depression, dementia, anxiety or substance misuse)
  • Medically unexplained symptoms
  • Perinatal mental illness

To be referred to our team please speak to the nursing staff looking after you at the hospital.